if ($_SESSION[‘pathchoice’] != 2) $_SESSION[‘pathchoice’] = 1;
if ($_SESSION[‘pathchoice’] == 1) {
the guru went left, and he saw and did amazing things.
if ($_SESSION[‘pathchoice’] != 2) $_SESSION[‘pathchoice’] = 1;
if ($_SESSION[‘pathchoice’] == 1) {
the guru went left, and he saw and did amazing things.
he climbed an enormous mountain. he ran through a gorgeous meadow. he taught students and accumulated bodhi and acquired #zen, and yet he always wondered what could have happened had he turned right instead.
how would his life have been different? would he have had more students? more bodhi? would he have reached a higher state of #zenlightenment?
he dwelled on this past decision, and allowed it to control his life.
else {
the guru thought back to that day in the woods often and wondered what would have happened if he had made a different choice. but he could not change the past.
[php]$_SESSION[‘newitem’] = “regret”;
$_SESSION[‘zencolor’] = “red”;
[php function=13]