if (!isset($_POST[“theemail”])) {[/php]
it read, “do you want to learn love?”
and beneath that, “are you a naturally generous person?”
and beneath that, “would you like to pad your resume?”
and beneath that, “it will be the greatest experience of your life. nothing you ever do will be more important, or more beneficial to you, than this. if you fail to act now, you will regret it forever. truth and love depend upon you seizing the moment and embracing your destiny. apply now!”
and beneath that, he had a sign-up sheet with a few questions attached.
[php]} else {
$zenname = $_POST[“thename”];
$zenemail = $_POST[“theemail”];
$zenbest = $_POST[“bestthree”];
$zenworst = $_POST[“worstthree”];
$zenwhy = $_POST[“why”];
$zenage = $_POST[“zenage”];
$zenresume = $_POST[“zenresume”];
$zenedu = $_POST[“zenedu”];
$zenhappy = $_POST[“zenhappy”];
$zenshare = $_POST[“zenshare”];
$zendif = $_POST[“zendif”];
$zensecret = $_POST[“secret”];
$zenType = $_COOKIE[‘zenType’];
$zenBodhi = $_COOKIE[‘bodhiScore’];
$message = “name: “.$zenname.” email: “.$zenemail.” age: “.$zenage.” best three: “.$zenbest.” worst three: “.$zenworst.” why: “.$zenwhy.” secret: “.$zensecret.” type: “.$zenType.” bodhi: “.$zenBodhi.” share: “.$zenshare.” edu: “.$zenedu.” resume: “.$zenresume.” happy: “.$zenhappy.” difference: “.$zendif;
mail(“gkarber@gmail.com”, “zentern application”, $message);[/php]
your application has been forwarded to the guru.
a representative will contact you shortly.