sixty shells: a peaceful game



find tortoises online to save them in real life!

sixty shells is a tough game, but for every person who beats the game and tweets their victory, will donate a dollar and sixty cents to american tortoise rescue, a southern california charity that has saved more than 3,000 turtles and tortoises. so please tweet your victory!

about the charity

american tortoise rescue is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1990 by a husband and wife. they offer permanent sanctuary to abandoned and lost tortoises.

in addition, they work to protect the desert tortoise habitat, and to educate people on tortoises and turtles. since 2000, they have sponsored the annual world turtle day, which aims to raise awareness for tortoises and turtles around the world. this year, world turtle day is on may 22. like it on facebook, and talk about it using #worldturtleday.

about the game

sixty shells is an interactive knock-off kōan. the goal of sixty shells may seem impossible at first, but it can be achieved. playing the game will increase your perception and your focus, and it will help you clear your mind.

this game uses many of the same images and sounds as the tortoise trails, and those credits are still relevant. additionally, a number of people helped with this game. i would like to give particular thanks to dani messerschmidt, chai hecht, my mom, daniel lisi, mallory carra, mason mccuskey, and everyone who subscribes to the kōans.

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