[php]if ($_SESSION[‘boatperc’] < 100) { if ($_SESSION['spot'] != true) {[/php] the guru stood in the village square. the villagers were going about their lives. [php] if ($_SESSION['wood'] > 0) {[/php]
the guru had wood, but nowhere to build, so he dumped it on the ground.
[php]$_SESSION[‘wood’] = 0;
should he go into the woods, to his school, or to the store?
[php]} else {[/php]
the guru went to his boat building spot.[php]if (($_SESSION[‘boatperc’] > 0) and ($_SESSION[‘caughtthief’] != true) and (rand(1,5) == 5)) { $_SESSION[‘boatperc’] = 0;[/php] but someone had stolen his boat!
if ($_SESSION[‘boatperc’] > 0) {[/php] it would take 1,000 pounds of wood to build a boat, and his boat was [php]echo $_SESSION[‘boatperc’];[/php]% complete.
[php]if ($_SESSION[‘wood’] == 0) echo ” but the guru had no wood.
should he go into the woods, to his school, or to the store?
“; if ($_SESSION[‘wood’] > 0) {[/php] he arranged his [php]echo $_SESSION[‘wood’];$_SESSION[‘boatwood’] = $_SESSION[‘wood’]; $_SESSION[‘wood’] = 0;[/php] pounds of wood in a vaguely boat-like shape.
should he hammer it, or should he go into the woods, to his school, or to the store?
else {
the guru made a boat.
should he drag it into the water?[php]}[/php]