a box.

$answer1 = $_POST[‘answer1’];
$answer2 = $_POST[‘answer2’];
$password = $_POST[‘password’];

if (($answer1 == 2) && ($answer2 == “D”) && ($password == “Goddess”)) {
inside that box was a stunning amount of gold.

the guru shoveled it into his pockets. with this, he could do anything.

what should he do with it?

elseif (($answer1 == 2) && ($answer2 == “T”) && ($password == “lettuce”)) {
inside that box were a head of lettuce and a wedding ring.

try another one.
elseif (($answer1 == 0) && ($answer2 == “M”) && ($password == “sun”)) {
if ($_SESSION[‘sunbeams’] !== 1) {
echo “

inside that box were a bunch of sunbeams, which immediately escaped. somebody was going to be upset.

$_SESSION[‘sunbeams’] = 1;
else echo “

this box was empty.


try another one.
elseif (($answer1 == 0) && ($answer2 == “F”) && ($password == “sun”)) {
inside that box was a bunch of dirt.

try another one.
elseif (($answer1 == 0) && ($answer2 == “A”) && ($password == “money”)) {
if ($_SESSION[‘ducats’] !== 1) {
echo “

there were fifty ducats in that box. the guru slipped them into your robes.

$_SESSION[‘ducats’] = 1;
else echo “

this box is empty.


try another one.
else echo ‘

that box would not open. either it was not in use or the password was incorrect.

try another one.


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