explaining the test.

the #zen personality test classifies a person into one of 8 unique personality types based upon 3 dichotomies.

the 3 dichotomies measure three essential features of a person’s personality, referred to as their direction, their affection, and their perception. both sides of each dichotomy are non-judgmental and represent two positive poles.

perception measures whether a person is inwardly or outwardly focused, describing whether their attention is focused more inside the person, or outside. some personality tests would equate this to extroversion or introversion, but while that is an element of direction, it does not describe the entire dichotomy. this is related to the 1st law of #zen, as it describes the focus of study.

affection indicates whether a person is calmly or dynamically situated. this measures whether a person is resolute or flexible or whether they are saternurial or mercurial. this is connected to the 2nd law of #zen, as it describes the manner of play.

direction reflects whether a person perceives the ideal as a perfection of the current circumstances, or as a revolution against them. this often determines a person’s political or philosophical alignment. this is related to the 3rd law of #zen, as it describes the nature of your giving.

each person has a unique triptych, or set of three dispositions. for example, a person can have outward perception, dynamic affection, and perfected direction. there are eight different triptychs a person may possess, and these classify the person into a single octet.

the following chart explains which kōan karacter corresponds to which triptych.

perception affection direction
lake inward calm perfection
tortoise inward dynamic revolution
Goddess inward calm revolution
sunflower outward calm perfection
sunflower outward calm perfection
tyger outward calm revolution
banker outward dynamic perfection
guru outward dynamic revolution

if you have any questions, further instruction and understanding is provided to those who apply to be zenterns.

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